Mental health first aid workshops & awareness initiatives empower team at Microsoft

Business Area

Education, Events, External campaign, Wellness

Key focus



Medium term


Following qualifying as mental health first aiders, the team ran multiple workshops open to all members of our organisation. These workshops included activities on identifying unhealthy behaviours, 如何就心理健康问题进行对话,并为同事提供专业服务. 这些研讨会为人们创造了一个安全的空间,让他们可以公开谈论自己的心理健康经历. 这也是一个让人们注意到我们在微软内部拥有的大量资源的机会——通常情况下,这是一个知道从哪里寻找以及如何开始的案例. 所有给出反馈的参与者都表示,他们现在对谈论心理健康感到自信或非常自信.


Activities included an organised run, a fireside conversation from a medical professional to discuss Mental Health, getting diagnosed and the stigma in the workplace, 一个咖啡和蛋糕的早晨,所有的收益都捐给MIND(筹集了超过1000英镑)和外部专业人士的指导冥想.

What did you set out to achieve?

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is to prioritise our mental health, 工作中的能源危机是非常真实的——尤其是当维持公司运营的宝贵人力资本受到压力时. 微软广告部门的一个小团队想要减少透明化的污名, 在工作场所围绕心理健康进行诚实的对话,提高人们对一些非常私人但对员工和企业健康至关重要的问题的认识. 我们的使命是创造一个包容和支持的环境,鼓励每个人都思想开放, honest, vulnerable, and empathetic. We strive to build trust and foster bravery in all our interactions, as we work towards our common goals. We are committed to promoting mental health and well-being, and providing resources and support for those in need.

Describe how the initiative or campaign works?

The initiative started out as a group organising workshops. However, based on the positive feedback and the appetite to continue the conversation, a mental health team has now been established. 我们有一个完整的团队,成员跨越不同的角色和垂直领域,还有一个执行发起人,他倡导我们正在做的工作. 我们根据调查和更广泛的活动(如心理健康宣传周)的反馈来选择重点和项目。.

Can you tell us about the practical steps to set it up?

第一步是让一群充满激情的人聚在一起,讨论想法,并为各个内部团队计划一套心理健康研讨会. We’ve worked closely with Sales Director, Ellie England, 谁指导我们在整个业务中推广这个项目,并将我们与高级利益相关者联系起来. We’ve also collaborated with Xandr to share ideas and expand our impact. 在业务之外,我们与全科医生Jen Saw进行了交谈,以寻求如何巧妙地导航这个主题以及如何找到正确的资源来为我们的工作提供信息的建议. 这个项目的预算很少,主要是对外部合作者的少量贡献. 

Ted Talk speaker

What positive impact has this initiative had?

我们举办了各种活动和研讨会,以提高人们对心理健康问题的认识和支持. Some of the highlights were:

  • 一场蛋糕义卖为Mind筹集了1000英镑,Mind是我们选择的精神健康宣传周慈善机构.

  • A Ted Talk 有15位演讲者分享了他们对心理健康的见解和经验.

  • A Stress & 倦怠课程,教17名参与者如何应对压力和防止倦怠.

  • A Guided Relaxation session that helped 10 participants relax and unwind.

  • A Let’s Talk About Mental Health session that brought in an outside speaker, GP Jen Saw, 还有一个专家小组来讨论工作场所的心理健康诊断和耻辱. 该会议有32名在线参与者和10名现场参与者,以及15名观看录音的人.

  • We also received positive feedback and nominations from colleagues, who appreciated our courage, vulnerability, and knowledge in facilitating the mental health workshops.

Mental Health Week calendar


What did you learn that could help others?

在过去的一年里,我们学到的是,我们必须在人们自己的旅程中遇到他们. 心理健康是一个需要脆弱性的话题,本质上是个人的话题. 我们已经知道,我们需要满足人们在哪里,并确保我们所做的一切, we ensure its inclusive to everyone, irrespective of their own relationship with mental health. We have shaped our activity and focus based on feedback. 我们没有试图让人们参与进来,而是根据更广泛的团队的需求来塑造我们的工作. To get feedback, 该团队编制了一份心理健康调查,并将调查结果提交给了我们的高级领导层——根据关键绩效指标进行调整,以产生进一步的影响. Based on this, 在英国健康团队的指导下,我们现在正在帮助团队了解如何谈论心理健康,并在合作中保护自己的精力.

How will you make the benefit of this campaign endure?

我们要做的第一件事就是保持v团队,确保我们以最好的方式发展,以确保我们的工作符合团队的需求. 我们定期与团队进行检查,以确保我们了解他们的需求和关注点(通过投票或表格)。. 精神健康v团队在场外聚集在一起,反思过去几个月所做的事情, 学习一些东西,并计划今年剩下的时间,把心理健康作为首要任务. 我们的任务之一是与精神卫生问题的高级领导接触,鼓励他们以身作则. 我们也在与合作伙伴重新组合,并一直在寻找能够帮助我们团队的新伙伴.


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